Our Blog

Welcome to The Seabirds blog, where we share stories from our ocean adventures, explore the wonders of marine and citizen science, and reflect on the challenges facing our oceans today. Follow along as we teach, reach, and explore to help protect the seas we love so much.

November 6, 2024
Meet the Jr. Squad

Rossella is a fourth grader on a mission: to study the effects of ocean acidification on shells for her school science project. Follow her progress through our newsletters and blogs as she shares her findings on this crucial topic.

November 5, 2024
Reel Earth Films Partnering With The Seabirds

Reel Earth Films is a nonprofit organization dedicated to the creation of nature-oriented films. One of the biggest reasons we do what we do here at Reel Earth Films is to not just create awareness for nature, but to facilitate change for the greater good of this planet through impact. Every one of our original films is accompanied by an impact campaign that is designed to give back to nature. We give back by providing resources that help the organizations we partner with continue doing their vital work to protect this planet. We believe that our films can do more than just create awareness; they can create measurable impact that will facilitate a healthier future for nature. For example, we recently produced a short film about southern resident killer whales in the Salish Sea–which you can watch here: https://reelearthfilms.org/southern-residents/ Over the years, we have not only produced our own films, but have collectively worked on films for PBS Nature, National Geographic, BBC One, and Disney+.

November 4, 2024
Because a Friend Asked Me To The Life-Changing Ramifications of Friendship

United States Army Major Christine Keating comes from a family with a strong history of military service, which inspired her to also raise her hand and join the peacekeeping military of pre-September 11. “What attracted me to it was this idea that I could travel the world and have an impact on maintaining peace,” she says candidly during our interview. “That changed really quickly during my freshman year of college when the towers came down. Though it wasn’t the life that I had envisioned when I was eighteen, it turned into a good life for me and my family.”

And this, in a nutshell, sums up the major’s career. Now, let’s meet the woman behind the uniform.

November 3, 2024
What More Can I Do to Help? The Inspiring Quest of a Military Spouse

“This is so much bigger than you,” Samantha Gomolka, national guard spouse, told her husband, Michael. It was Memorial Day weekend 2017, a beautiful day of Spring in New York, where the family was stationed. Michael, who had been serving in special operations for seventeen years by then, decided that he was going to pay homage to his fallen brothers-in-arms the next Memorial Day by running from the beach to his favorite brewery, which was close to seven miles away. “I want to take part in it as well,” Samantha said. “And you know that the people of Hamburg will want to participate too.”

September 18, 2024
Exploring The Depths: The MBARI Rover and Its Role In Deep-Sea Exploration and Discovery

Have you ever wondered what the deep sea is really like? The deep dark parts that we haven't reached yet but we know are there, with creatures and ecosystems we can only dream of? Monterey Bay Aquarium Research Institute (MBARI) Benthic Rover is looking to answer some of those unknowns and deepen our understanding of our beautiful planet.